Randy, Rinse, Repeat

Randy's hair is different every day. Here we bring you 365 days of Randy coiffeur.

Monday, July 31, 2006

Rumors of Imminent Randy Haircut

Whilst rumors of an imminent Randy haircut swirl (please use to the comment field to share your thoughts on whether he needs one), we bring you your daily installment of Randy Hair Goodness.

Oh, goodness.

As you can see, Randy's hair looks much flatter, and is parted quite differently from the previous picture.

Saturday, July 29, 2006

Knit me Randy!

It's hard to believe that it took this long for us to put together our first post about knitting.

Knitting is sweeping the nation -- it was only a matter of time before two societal forces like Randy's Hair, and knitting, got together.

For those of you with experience in knitting (and i'm assuming that's almost all of you) and those of you fascinated by Randy's hair (ok, that's definitely all of you), we present the following:

Detailed instructions on how to knit yourself Randy-Esque hair!
(courtesy of Megan Reardon's www.knitty.com)

Friday, July 28, 2006


A question to community:

What celebrity does Randy Garcia most resemble? Please post your answers as comments!

We'll choose a winner, and then post a picture that we think best captures the celebrity spirit of Randy, in the coming days!

Wednesday, July 26, 2006

Inaugural Randy Post

Today represents our first Randy Photo exhibition.
Obviously, having only one day of haircut to view is a tease. It also defeats the purpose of comparing his hair on different days.

On the other hand, you get a picture of randy, in all his glory... how could that be bad?

Randy from the side.
Full Frontal Randy.

From the makers of Randy, Rinse, Repeat

Please check out another charming internet establishment -- iheartcarts.com, brought to you by the creators of Randy, Rinse, Repeat.

iheartcarts.com is a website all about food carts, street food, street meat, street food vendors. There are reviews, discussions topics, cries for cart-help -- everything anyone craving mobile cuisine could want!!!

RandyHairBlog: Inception

Hello, and welcome to Randy, Rinse, Repeat. This blog's reason for being is simple -- Randy, whom we work with, has hair that looks *remarkably* different from day to day. He does not get daily haircuts, nor does enlist the styling help of professionals (as far as we know). This blog is to bring a sense of Randy's chameleon hair to the masses. We'll be posting pictures, submitting them to peer review, and whatever else we have time for.

Will this get old, you ask? probably, and hopefully, by then, we'll have found something else to, but until then-- Randy, Rinse, Repeat!